Pare lat później / olej na płótnie  / 150 x 170 cm
Ale cyrk w kraju moim / olej na płótnie / 150 x 200 cm
Wiatr w Berlinie / olej na płótnie / 120 x 150 cm
Obraz z dwoma kobietami i zielonym ogórkiem w tle / olej na płótnie 140 x 120 cm
"Apteka jest zamknięta" / oil on canvas / 153 x 210 cm
"Indian summer" / oil on canvas / 130 x 190 cm
"DURA LEX" / / oil on canvas / 150x130 cm 
private order ( private collection)
"DUDES" / oil on canvas / 150 x 130cm
"Road to HEL" / oil on canvas / 130 x 150 cm
private collection
"Hitchhikers" / oil on canvas / 130x150cm
"Picture with woman, yellow dog and fire" / oil on canvas / 140x160cm
Whores (from the series: Hooligans, Whores and Murderers for Hire) / oil on canvas / 150x140 cm
Private collection
Vincent and Paul (from the series: Hooligans, Whores and Murderers for Hire / oil on canvas / 150x140 cm
private collection

Butchers (from the series: Hooligans, Whores and Murderers for Hire / oil on canvas / 150x140 cm
Boss (from the series: Hooligans, Whores and Murderers for Hire / oil on canvas / 150x140 cm
Hooligans, Whores and Murderers for Hire / oil and acrylic on paper / 100 x 70 cm 
Hooligans, Whores and Murderers for Hire / oil and acrylic on paper / 100 x 70 cm 
killer clown (from the series: Hooligans, Whores and Murderers for Hire) / oil and acrylic on paper / 100 x 70 cm 
killer clown (from the series: Hooligans, Whores and Murderers for Hire) / oil and acrylic on paper / 100 x 70 cm 
My lawyer (from the series: Hooligans, Whores and Murderers for Hire) / oil and acrylic on paper / 100 x 70 cm
private collection 
My lawyer (from the series: Hooligans, Whores and Murderers for Hire) / oil and acrylic on paper / 100 x 70 cm
private collection 
Manson (from the series: Hooligans, Whores and Murderers for Hire) / oil and acrylic on paper / 100 x 70 cm 
Manson (from the series: Hooligans, Whores and Murderers for Hire) / oil and acrylic on paper / 100 x 70 cm 
Manson (from the series: Hooligans, Whores and Murderers for Hire) / oil and acrylic on paper / 100 x 70 cm 
River killer (from the series: Hooligans, Whores and Murderers for Hire) / oil and acrylic on paper / 100 x 70 cm 
River killer (from the series: Hooligans, Whores and Murderers for Hire) / oil and acrylic on paper / 100 x 70 cm 
River killer (from the series: Hooligans, Whores and Murderers for Hire) / oil and acrylic on paper / 100 x 70 cm 
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